This page lists all the classes and their modifiers used in Brevis. There are also information about the naming convention, scale pattern and colour palette.
# Base
bxs = box-sizing
# Modifiers
--brbx = border-box
--ctbx = content-box
# Note
You don't need to box-sizing everything -
When you DON’T need it:
- for element without width or height or min/max-width or min/max-height
- for inline elements
When you MAY need it:
- when the element is a column’s grid
- when you have width and padding or borders
- when a form field needs a full-width
.bxs--brbx { box-sizing: border-box }
.bxs--ctbx { box-sizing: content-box }
# Base
d = display
# Modifiers
--blk = block
--fx = flex
--ie = inline
--ieblk = inline-block
--iefx = inline-flex
--ietbl = inline-table
--n = none
--tbl = table
--tblcl = table-cell
--tblrw = table-row
--tblrwgrp = table-row-group
--tblcol = table-column
--tblcolgrp = table-column-group
.d--blk { display: block }
.d--fx { display: flex }
.d--ie { display: inline }
.d--ieblk { display: inline-block }
.d--ietbl { display: inline-table }
.d--iefx { display: inline-flex }
.d--n { display: none }
.d--tbl { display: table }
.d--tblcl { display: table-cell }
.d--tblrw { display: table-row }
.d--tblrwgrp { display: table-row-group }
.d--tblcol { display: table-column }
.d--tblcolgrp { display: table-column-group }
# Base
pos = position
# Modifiers
--sta = static
--rel = relative
--abs = absolute
--fix = fixed
.pos--sta { position: static }
.pos--rel { position: relative }
.pos--abs { position: absolute }
.pos--fix { position: fixed }
# Base
t = top
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 8px
--2 = 16px
--3 = 24px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 40px
--6 = 48px
--7 = 56px
--8 = 64px
--50p = 50%
--100p = 100%
--n1 = -8px
--n2 = -16px
--n3 = -24px
--n4 = -32px
--n5 = -40px
--n6 = -48px
--n7 = -56px
--n8 = -64px
.t--0 { top: 0 }
.t--1 { top: 8px }
.t--2 { top: 16px }
.t--3 { top: 24px }
.t--4 { top: 32px }
.t--5 { top: 40px }
.t--6 { top: 48px }
.t--7 { top: 56px }
.t--8 { top: 64px }
.t--50p { top: 50% }
.t--100p { top: 100% }
.t--n1 { top: -8px }
.t--n2 { top: -16px }
.t--n3 { top: -24px }
.t--n4 { top: -32px }
.t--n5 { top: -40px }
.t--n6 { top: -48px }
.t--n7 { top: -56px }
.t--n8 { top: -64px }
# Base
r = right
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 8px
--2 = 16px
--3 = 24px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 40px
--6 = 48px
--7 = 56px
--8 = 64px
--50p = 50%
--100p = 100%
--n1 = -8px
--n2 = -16px
--n3 = -24px
--n4 = -32px
--n5 = -40px
--n6 = -48px
--n7 = -56px
--n8 = -64px
.r--0 { right: 0 }
.r--1 { right: 8px }
.r--2 { right: 16px }
.r--3 { right: 24px }
.r--4 { right: 32px }
.r--5 { right: 40px }
.r--6 { right: 48px }
.r--7 { right: 56px }
.r--8 { right: 64px }
.r--50p { right: 50% }
.r--100p { right: 100% }
.r--n1 { right: -8px }
.r--n2 { right: -16px }
.r--n3 { right: -24px }
.r--n4 { right: -32px }
.r--n5 { right: -40px }
.r--n6 { right: -48px }
.r--n7 { right: -56px }
.r--n8 { right: -64px }
# Base
b = bottom
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 8px
--2 = 16px
--3 = 24px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 40px
--6 = 48px
--7 = 56px
--8 = 64px
--50p = 50%
--100p = 100%
--n1 = -8px
--n2 = -16px
--n3 = -24px
--n4 = -32px
--n5 = -40px
--n6 = -48px
--n7 = -56px
--n8 = -64px
.b--0 { bottom: 0 }
.b--1 { bottom: 8px }
.b--2 { bottom: 16px }
.b--3 { bottom: 24px }
.b--4 { bottom: 32px }
.b--5 { bottom: 40px }
.b--6 { bottom: 48px }
.b--7 { bottom: 56px }
.b--8 { bottom: 64px }
.b--50p { bottom: 50% }
.b--100p { bottom: 100% }
.b--n1 { bottom: -8px }
.b--n2 { bottom: -16px }
.b--n3 { bottom: -24px }
.b--n4 { bottom: -32px }
.b--n5 { bottom: -40px }
.b--n6 { bottom: -48px }
.b--n7 { bottom: -56px }
.b--n8 { bottom: -64px }
# Base
l = left
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 8px
--2 = 16px
--3 = 24px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 40px
--6 = 48px
--7 = 56px
--8 = 64px
--50p = 50%
--100p = 100%
--n1 = -8px
--n2 = -16px
--n3 = -24px
--n4 = -32px
--n5 = -40px
--n6 = -48px
--n7 = -56px
--n8 = -64px
.l--0 { left: 0 }
.l--1 { left: 8px }
.l--2 { left: 16px }
.l--3 { left: 24px }
.l--4 { left: 32px }
.l--5 { left: 40px }
.l--6 { left: 48px }
.l--7 { left: 56px }
.l--8 { left: 64px }
.l--50p { left: 50% }
.l--100p { left: 100% }
.l--n1 { left: -8px }
.l--n2 { left: -16px }
.l--n3 { left: -24px }
.l--n4 { left: -32px }
.l--n5 { left: -40px }
.l--n6 { left: -48px }
.l--n7 { left: -56px }
.l--n8 { left: -64px }
# Base
f = float
# Modifiers
--r = right
--l = left
--n = none
.f--r { float: right }
.f--l { float: left }
.f--n { float: none }
# Base
clr = clear
# Modifiers
--r = right
--l = left
--bh = both
--n = none
.clr--r { clear: right }
.clr--l { clear: left }
.clr--bh { clear: both }
.clr--n { clear: none }
# Base
jct = justify-content
# Modifiers
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--spard = space-around
--spbtw = space-between
.jct--ctr { justify-content: center }
.jct--fxe { justify-content: flex-end }
.jct--fxst { justify-content: flex-start }
.jct--spard { justify-content: space-around }
.jct--spbtw { justify-content: space-between }
# Base
jis = justify-items
# Modifiers
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--sfst = self-start
--sfe = self-end
--str = stretch
.jis--ctr { justify-items: center }
.jis--fxe { justify-items: flex-end }
.jis--fxst { justify-items: flex-start }
.jis--sfst { justify-items: self-start }
.jis--sfe { justify-items: self-end }
.jis--str { justify-items: stretch }
# Base
jsf = justify-self
# Modifiers
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--sfst = self-start
--sfe = self-end
.jsf--ctr { justify-self: center }
.jsf--fxe { justify-self: flex-end }
.jsf--fxst { justify-self: flex-start }
.jsf--sfst { justify-self: self-start }
.jsf--sfe { justify-self: self-end }
# Base
anct = align-content
# Modifiers
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--spard = space-around
--spbtw = space-between
.anct--ctr { align-content: center }
.anct--fxe { align-content: flex-end }
.anct--fxst { align-content: flex-start }
.anct--spard { align-content: space-around }
.anct--spbtw { align-content: space-between }
# Base
anis = align-items
# Modifiers
--bln = baseline
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--str = stretch
.anis--bln { align-items: baseline }
.anis--ctr { align-items: center }
.anis--fxe { align-items: flex-end }
.anis--fxst { align-items: flex-start }
.anis--str { align-items: stretch }
# Base
ansf = align-self
# Modifiers
--a = auto
--ctr = center
--fxe = flex-end
--fxst = flex-start
--str = stretch
.ansf--a { align-self: auto }
.ansf--ctr { align-self: center }
.ansf--fxe { align-self: flex-end }
.ansf--fxst { align-self: flex-start }
.ansf--str { align-self: stretch }
# Base
fx = flex
# Modifiers
--1 = 1 | this is equivalent to setting "flex: 1 1 0%"
--a = auto | this is equivalent to setting "flex: 1 1 auto"
--ini = initial | this is equivalent to setting "flex: 0 1 auto"
--n = none | this is equivalent to setting "flex: 0 0 auto"
# Note
See why 0% at
.fx--1 { flex: 1 1 0% }
.fx--a { flex: 1 1 auto }
.fx--ini { flex: 0 1 auto }
.fx--n { flex: 0 0 auto }
# Base
fxbs = flex-basis
# Modifiers
--0 = 0%
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--10p = 10%
--20p = 20%
--25p = 25%
--30p = 30%
--33p = 33.33333%
--40p = 40%
--50p = 50%
--60p = 60%
--66p = 66.66667%
--70p = 70%
--75p = 75%
--80p = 80%
--90p = 90%
--100p = 100%
--a = auto
# Note
See why "0%" at
.fxbs--0 { flex-basis: 0% }
.fxbs--1 { flex-basis: 1px }
.fxbs--2 { flex-basis: 8px }
.fxbs--3 { flex-basis: 16px }
.fxbs--4 { flex-basis: 32px }
.fxbs--5 { flex-basis: 64px }
.fxbs--6 { flex-basis: 128px }
.fxbs--7 { flex-basis: 256px }
.fxbs--8 { flex-basis: 512px }
.fxbs--10p { flex-basis: 10% }
.fxbs--20p { flex-basis: 20% }
.fxbs--25p { flex-basis: 25% }
.fxbs--30p { flex-basis: 30% }
.fxbs--33p { flex-basis: 33.33333% }
.fxbs--40p { flex-basis: 40% }
.fxbs--50p { flex-basis: 50% }
.fxbs--60p { flex-basis: 60% }
.fxbs--66p { flex-basis: 66.66667% }
.fxbs--70p { flex-basis: 70% }
.fxbs--75p { flex-basis: 75% }
.fxbs--80p { flex-basis: 80% }
.fxbs--90p { flex-basis: 90% }
.fxbs--100p { flex-basis: 100% }
.fxbs--a { flex-basis: auto }
# Base
fxdn = flex-direction
# Modifiers
--rw = row
--rwrvs = row-reverse
--col = column
--colrvs = column-reverse
.fxdn--rw { flex-direction: row }
.fxdn--rwrvs { flex-direction: row-reverse }
.fxdn--col { flex-direction: column }
.fxdn--colrvs { flex-direction: column-reverse }
# Base
fxfw = flex-flow (shorthand for flex-direction and flex-wrap properties)
# Modifiers
--rwwp = row wrap
--rwrvsn = row-reverse nowrap
--colwprvs = column wrap-reverse
--colwp = column wrap
.fxfw--rwwp { flex-flow: row wrap }
.fxfw--rwrvsn { flex-flow: row-reverse nowrap }
.fxfw--colwprvs { flex-flow: column wrap-reverse }
.fxfw--colwp { flex-flow: column wrap }
# Base
fxgw = flex-grow
# Modifiers
--0 = no grow
--1 = grow
.fxgw--0 { flex-grow: 0 }
.fxgw--1 { flex-grow: 1 }
# Base
fxsk = flex-shrink
# Modifiers
--0 = no shrink
--1 = shrink
.fxsk--0 { flex-shrink: 0 }
.fxsk--1 { flex-shrink: 1 }
# Base
fxwp = flex-wrap
# Modifiers
--n = nowrap
--wp = wrap
--wprvs = wrap-reverse
.fxwp--n { flex-wrap: nowrap }
.fxwp--wp { flex-wrap: wrap }
.fxwp--wprvs { flex-wrap: wrap-reverse }
# Base
tnprop = transition-property
# Modifiers
--o = opacity
--mr = margin-right
--ml = margin-left
--bgc = background-color
--w = width
--h = height
--c = color
# Note
Just some common CSS animated properties here.
.tnprop--o { transition-property: opacity }
.tnprop--mr { transition-property: margin-right }
.tnprop--ml { transition-property: margin-left }
.tnprop--bgc { transition-property: background-color }
.tnprop--w { transition-property: width }
.tnprop--h { transition-property: height }
.tnprop--c { transition-property: color }
# Base
tndu = transition-duration
# Modifiers
--0 = time value of 0s
--1 = time value of 100ms
--2 = time value of 200ms
--3 = time value of 400ms
--4 = time value of 800ms
--5 = time value of 1200ms
--6 = time value of 1600ms
--7 = time value of 2000ms
--8 = time value of 2400ms
.tndu--0 { transition-duration: 0s }
.tndu--1 { transition-duration: 100ms }
.tndu--2 { transition-duration: 200ms }
.tndu--3 { transition-duration: 400ms }
.tndu--4 { transition-duration: 800ms }
.tndu--5 { transition-duration: 1200ms }
.tndu--6 { transition-duration: 1600ms }
.tndu--7 { transition-duration: 2000ms }
.tndu--8 { transition-duration: 2400ms }
# Base
tntgfn = transition-timing-function
# Modifiers
--e = ease
--ein = ease-in
--eot = ease-out
--einot = ease-in-out
--lnr = linear
.tntgfn--e { transition-timing-function: ease }
.tntgfn--ein { transition-timing-function: ease-in }
.tntgfn--eot { transition-timing-function: ease-out }
.tntgfn--einot { transition-timing-function: ease-in-out }
.tntgfn--lnr { transition-timing-function: linear }
# Base
tndy = transition-delay
# Modifiers
--0 = time value of 0s
--1 = time value of 100ms
--2 = time value of 200ms
--3 = time value of 400ms
--4 = time value of 800ms
--5 = time value of 1200ms
--6 = time value of 1600ms
--7 = time value of 2000ms
--8 = time value of 2400ms
.tndy--0 { transition-delay: 0s }
.tndy--1 { transition-delay: 100ms }
.tndy--2 { transition-delay: 200ms }
.tndy--3 { transition-delay: 400ms }
.tndy--4 { transition-delay: 800ms }
.tndy--5 { transition-delay: 1200ms }
.tndy--6 { transition-delay: 1600ms }
.tndy--7 { transition-delay: 2000ms }
.tndy--8 { transition-delay: 2400ms }
# Base
or = order
# Modifiers
--0 = ordinal value of 0
--1 = ordinal value of 1
--2 = ordinal value of 2
--3 = ordinal value of 3
--4 = ordinal value of 4
--5 = ordinal value of 5
--6 = ordinal value of 6
--7 = ordinal value of 7
--8 = ordinal value of 8
# Note
.or--0 { order: 0 }
.or--1 { order: 1 }
.or--2 { order: 2 }
.or--3 { order: 3 }
.or--4 { order: 4 }
.or--5 { order: 5 }
.or--6 { order: 6 }
.or--7 { order: 7 }
.or--8 { order: 8 }
# Base
v = visibility
# Modifiers
--hid = hidden
--v = visible
--i = inherit
.v--hid { visibility: hidden }
.v--v { visibility: visible }
.v--i { visibility: inherit }
# Base
o = opacity
# Modifiers
--0 = cardinal value of 0
--1 = cardinal value of .1
--2 = cardinal value of .2
--3 = cardinal value of .3
--4 = cardinal value of .5
--5 = cardinal value of .7
--6 = cardinal value of .8
--7 = cardinal value of .9
--8 = cardinal value of 1
.o--0 { opacity: 0 }
.o--1 { opacity: .1 }
.o--2 { opacity: .2 }
.o--3 { opacity: .3 }
.o--4 { opacity: .5 }
.o--5 { opacity: .7 }
.o--6 { opacity: .8 }
.o--7 { opacity: .9 }
.o--8 { opacity: 1 }
# Base
z = z-index
# Modifiers
--1 = ordinal value of 1
--2 = ordinal value of 2
--3 = ordinal value of 3
--4 = ordinal value of 4
--5 = ordinal value of 5
--6 = ordinal value of 6
--7 = ordinal value of 7
--8 = ordinal value of 8
--a = auto
# Note
Any element with 'z-index: auto' can be treated as 'z-index: 0'.
.z--1 { z-index: 1 }
.z--2 { z-index: 2 }
.z--3 { z-index: 3 }
.z--4 { z-index: 4 }
.z--5 { z-index: 5 }
.z--6 { z-index: 6 }
.z--7 { z-index: 7 }
.z--8 { z-index: 8 }
.z--a { z-index: auto }
# Base
m = margin (shorthand for all the margin-* properties)
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.m--0 { margin: 0 }
.m--1 { margin: 1px }
.m--2 { margin: 2px }
.m--3 { margin: 4px }
.m--4 { margin: 8px }
.m--5 { margin: 16px }
.m--6 { margin: 32px }
.m--7 { margin: 64px }
.m--8 { margin: 128px }
.m--n1 { margin: -1px }
.m--n2 { margin: -2px }
.m--n3 { margin: -4px }
.m--n4 { margin: -8px }
.m--n5 { margin: -16px }
.m--n6 { margin: -32px }
.m--n7 { margin: -64px }
.m--n8 { margin: -128px }
.m--a { margin: auto }
# Base
mt = margin-top
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.mt--0 { margin-top: 0 }
.mt--1 { margin-top: 1px }
.mt--2 { margin-top: 2px }
.mt--3 { margin-top: 4px }
.mt--4 { margin-top: 8px }
.mt--5 { margin-top: 16px }
.mt--6 { margin-top: 32px }
.mt--7 { margin-top: 64px }
.mt--8 { margin-top: 128px }
.mt--n1 { margin-top: -1px }
.mt--n2 { margin-top: -2px }
.mt--n3 { margin-top: -4px }
.mt--n4 { margin-top: -8px }
.mt--n5 { margin-top: -16px }
.mt--n6 { margin-top: -32px }
.mt--n7 { margin-top: -64px }
.mt--n8 { margin-top: -128px }
.mt--a { margin-top: auto }
# Base
mr = margin-right
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.mr--0 { margin-right: 0 }
.mr--1 { margin-right: 1px }
.mr--2 { margin-right: 2px }
.mr--3 { margin-right: 4px }
.mr--4 { margin-right: 8px }
.mr--5 { margin-right: 16px }
.mr--6 { margin-right: 32px }
.mr--7 { margin-right: 64px }
.mr--8 { margin-right: 128px }
.mr--n1 { margin-right: -1px }
.mr--n2 { margin-right: -2px }
.mr--n3 { margin-right: -4px }
.mr--n4 { margin-right: -8px }
.mr--n5 { margin-right: -16px }
.mr--n6 { margin-right: -32px }
.mr--n7 { margin-right: -64px }
.mr--n8 { margin-right: -128px }
.mr--a { margin-right: auto }
# Base
mb = margin-bottom
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.mb--0 { margin-bottom: 0 }
.mb--1 { margin-bottom: 1px }
.mb--2 { margin-bottom: 2px }
.mb--3 { margin-bottom: 4px }
.mb--4 { margin-bottom: 8px }
.mb--5 { margin-bottom: 16px }
.mb--6 { margin-bottom: 32px }
.mb--7 { margin-bottom: 64px }
.mb--8 { margin-bottom: 128px }
.mb--n1 { margin-bottom: -1px }
.mb--n2 { margin-bottom: -2px }
.mb--n3 { margin-bottom: -4px }
.mb--n4 { margin-bottom: -8px }
.mb--n5 { margin-bottom: -16px }
.mb--n6 { margin-bottom: -32px }
.mb--n7 { margin-bottom: -64px }
.mb--n8 { margin-bottom: -128px }
.mb--a { margin-bottom: auto }
# Base
ml = margin-left
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.ml--0 { margin-left: 0 }
.ml--0 { margin-left: 0 }
.ml--1 { margin-left: 1px }
.ml--2 { margin-left: 2px }
.ml--3 { margin-left: 4px }
.ml--4 { margin-left: 8px }
.ml--5 { margin-left: 16px }
.ml--6 { margin-left: 32px }
.ml--7 { margin-left: 64px }
.ml--8 { margin-left: 128px }
.ml--n1 { margin-left: -1px }
.ml--n2 { margin-left: -2px }
.ml--n3 { margin-left: -4px }
.ml--n4 { margin-left: -8px }
.ml--n5 { margin-left: -16px }
.ml--n6 { margin-left: -32px }
.ml--n7 { margin-left: -64px }
.ml--n8 { margin-left: -128px }
.ml--a { margin-left: auto }
# Base
my = margin-top; margin-bottom
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
.my--0 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 }
.my--1 { margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px }
.my--2 { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px }
.my--3 { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px }
.my--4 { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px }
.my--5 { margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px }
.my--6 { margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 32px }
.my--7 { margin-top: 64px; margin-bottom: 64px }
.my--8 { margin-top: 128px; margin-bottom: 128px }
.my--n1 { margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px }
.my--n2 { margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: -2px }
.my--n3 { margin-top: -4px; margin-bottom: -4px }
.my--n4 { margin-top: -8px; margin-bottom: -8px }
.my--n5 { margin-top: -16px; margin-bottom: -16px }
.my--n6 { margin-top: -32px; margin-bottom: -32px }
.my--n7 { margin-top: -64px; margin-bottom: -64px }
.my--n8 { margin-top: -128px; margin-bottom: -128px }
# Base
mx = margin-right; margin-left
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--n1 = -1px
--n2 = -2px
--n3 = -4px
--n4 = -8px
--n5 = -16px
--n6 = -32px
--n7 = -64px
--n8 = -128px
--a = auto
.mx--0 { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0 }
.mx--1 { margin-right: 1px; margin-left: 1px }
.mx--2 { margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px }
.mx--3 { margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px }
.mx--4 { margin-right: 8px; margin-left: 8px }
.mx--5 { margin-right: 16px; margin-left: 16px }
.mx--6 { margin-right: 32px; margin-left: 32px }
.mx--7 { margin-right: 64px; margin-left: 64px }
.mx--8 { margin-right: 128px; margin-left: 128px }
.mx--n1 { margin-right: -1px; margin-left: -1px }
.mx--n2 { margin-right: -2px; margin-left: -2px }
.mx--n3 { margin-right: -4px; margin-left: -4px }
.mx--n4 { margin-right: -8px; margin-left: -8px }
.mx--n5 { margin-right: -16px; margin-left: -16px }
.mx--n6 { margin-right: -32px; margin-left: -32px }
.mx--n7 { margin-right: -64px; margin-left: -64px }
.mx--n8 { margin-right: -128px; margin-left: -128px }
.mx--a { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto }
# Base
oe = outline (shorthand for various outline-* properties)
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
# Note
Don't forget this, ok?
.oe--0 { outline: 0 }
# Base
br = border (shorthand for the border-width:* and border-style:solid properties)
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.br--0 { border-width: 0; border-style: none }
.br--1 { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid }
.br--2 { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid }
.br--3 { border-width: 4px; border-style: solid }
.br--4 { border-width: 8px; border-style: solid }
.br--5 { border-width: 16px; border-style: solid }
.br--6 { border-width: 32px; border-style: solid }
.br--7 { border-width: 64px; border-style: solid }
.br--8 { border-width: 128px; border-style: solid }
# Base
brw = border-width (shorthand for the border-*-width properties)
brtw = border-top-width
brrw = border-right-width
brbw = border-bottom-width
brlw = border-left-width
bryw = border-top-width; border-bottom-width
brxw = border-right-width; border-left-width
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.brw--0 { border-width: 0 }
.brw--1 { border-width: 1px }
.brw--2 { border-width: 2px }
.brw--3 { border-width: 4px }
.brw--4 { border-width: 8px }
.brw--5 { border-width: 16px }
.brw--6 { border-width: 32px }
.brw--7 { border-width: 64px }
.brw--8 { border-width: 128px }
.brtw--0 { border-top-width: 0 }
.brtw--1 { border-top-width: 1px }
.brtw--2 { border-top-width: 2px }
.brtw--3 { border-top-width: 4px }
.brtw--4 { border-top-width: 8px }
.brtw--5 { border-top-width: 16px }
.brtw--6 { border-top-width: 32px }
.brtw--7 { border-top-width: 64px }
.brtw--8 { border-top-width: 128px }
.brrw--0 { border-right-width: 0 }
.brrw--1 { border-right-width: 1px }
.brrw--2 { border-right-width: 2px }
.brrw--3 { border-right-width: 4px }
.brrw--4 { border-right-width: 8px }
.brrw--5 { border-right-width: 16px }
.brrw--6 { border-right-width: 32px }
.brrw--7 { border-right-width: 64px }
.brrw--8 { border-right-width: 128px }
.brbw--0 { border-bottom-width: 0 }
.brbw--1 { border-bottom-width: 1px }
.brbw--2 { border-bottom-width: 2px }
.brbw--3 { border-bottom-width: 4px }
.brbw--4 { border-bottom-width: 8px }
.brbw--5 { border-bottom-width: 16px }
.brbw--6 { border-bottom-width: 32px }
.brbw--7 { border-bottom-width: 64px }
.brbw--8 { border-bottom-width: 128px }
.brlw--0 { border-left-width: 0 }
.brlw--1 { border-left-width: 1px }
.brlw--2 { border-left-width: 2px }
.brlw--3 { border-left-width: 4px }
.brlw--4 { border-left-width: 8px }
.brlw--5 { border-left-width: 16px }
.brlw--6 { border-left-width: 32px }
.brlw--7 { border-left-width: 64px }
.brlw--8 { border-left-width: 128px }
.bryw--0 { border-top-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 0 }
.bryw--1 { border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px }
.bryw--2 { border-top-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px }
.bryw--3 { border-top-width: 4px; border-bottom-width: 4px }
.bryw--4 { border-top-width: 8px; border-bottom-width: 8px }
.bryw--5 { border-top-width: 16px; border-bottom-width: 16px }
.bryw--6 { border-top-width: 32px; border-bottom-width: 32px }
.bryw--7 { border-top-width: 64px; border-bottom-width: 64px }
.bryw--8 { border-top-width: 128px; border-bottom-width: 128px }
.brxw--0 { border-right-width: 0; border-left-width: 0 }
.brxw--1 { border-right-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px }
.brxw--2 { border-right-width: 2px; border-left-width: 2px }
.brxw--3 { border-right-width: 4px; border-left-width: 4px }
.brxw--4 { border-right-width: 8px; border-left-width: 8px }
.brxw--5 { border-right-width: 16px; border-left-width: 16px }
.brxw--6 { border-right-width: 32px; border-left-width: 32px }
.brxw--7 { border-right-width: 64px; border-left-width: 64px }
.brxw--8 { border-right-width: 128px; border-left-width: 128px }
# Base
brst = border-style (shorthand for the border-*-style properties)
brtsty = border-top-style
brrsty = border-right-style
brbsty = border-bottom-style
brlsty = border-left-style
# Modifiers
--das = dashed
--dot = dotted
--n = none
--sol = solid
.brst--das { border-style: dashed }
.brst--dot { border-style: dotted }
.brst--n { border-style: none }
.brst--sol { border-style: solid }
.brtsty--das { border-top-style: dashed }
.brtsty--dot { border-top-style: dotted }
.brtsty--n { border-top-style: none }
.brtsty--sol { border-top-style: solid }
.brrsty--das { border-right-style: dashed }
.brrsty--dot { border-right-style: dotted }
.brrsty--n { border-right-style: none }
.brrsty--sol { border-right-style: solid }
.brbsty--das { border-bottom-style: dashed }
.brbsty--dot { border-bottom-style: dotted }
.brbsty--n { border-bottom-style: none }
.brbsty--sol { border-bottom-style: solid }
.brlsty--das { border-left-style: dashed }
.brlsty--dot { border-left-style: dotted }
.brlsty--n { border-left-style: none }
.brlsty--sol { border-left-style: solid }
.brysty--das { border-top-style: dashed; border-bottom-style: dashed }
.brysty--dot { border-top-style: dotted; border-bottom-style: dotted }
.brysty--n { border-top-style: none; border-bottom-style: none }
.brysty--sol { border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid }
.brxsty--das { border-right-style: dashed; border-left-style: dashed }
.brxsty--dot { border-right-style: dotted; border-left-style: dotted }
.brxsty--n { border-right-style: none; border-left-style: none }
.brxsty--sol { border-right-style: solid; border-left-style: solid }
# Base
brrad = border-radius (shorthand for the border-*-radius properties)
brtrrad = border-top-right-radius
brtlrad = border-top-left-radius
brbrrad = border-bottom-right-radius
brblrad = border-bottom-left-radius
bryrrad = border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius
brylrad = border-top-left-radius, border-bottom-left-radius
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--100p = 100% (only for border-radius shorthand)
.brrad--0 { border-radius: 0 }
.brrad--1 { border-radius: 1px }
.brrad--2 { border-radius: 2px }
.brrad--3 { border-radius: 4px }
.brrad--4 { border-radius: 8px }
.brrad--5 { border-radius: 16px }
.brrad--6 { border-radius: 32px }
.brrad--7 { border-radius: 64px }
.brrad--8 { border-radius: 128px }
.brrad--100p { border-radius: 100% }
.brtrrad--0 { border-top-right-radius: 0 }
.brtlrad--0 { border-top-left-radius: 0 }
.brbrrad--0 { border-bottom-right-radius: 0 }
.brblrad--0 { border-bottom-left-radius: 0 }
.bryrrad--0 { border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 }
.brylrad--0 { border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 }
.brtrrad--1 { border-top-right-radius: 1px }
.brtlrad--1 { border-top-left-radius: 1px }
.brbrrad--1 { border-bottom-right-radius: 1px }
.brblrad--1 { border-bottom-left-radius: 1px }
.bryrrad--1 { border-top-right-radius: 1px; border-bottom-right-radius: 1px }
.brylrad--1 { border-top-left-radius: 1px; border-bottom-left-radius: 1px }
.brtrrad--2 { border-top-right-radius: 2px }
.brtlrad--2 { border-top-left-radius: 2px }
.brbrrad--2 { border-bottom-right-radius: 2px }
.brblrad--2 { border-bottom-left-radius: 2px }
.bryrrad--2 { border-top-right-radius: 2px; border-bottom-right-radius: 2px }
.brylrad--2 { border-top-left-radius: 2px; border-bottom-left-radius: 2px }
.brtrrad--3 { border-top-right-radius: 4px }
.brtlrad--3 { border-top-left-radius: 4px }
.brbrrad--3 { border-bottom-right-radius: 4px }
.brblrad--3 { border-bottom-left-radius: 4px }
.bryrrad--3 { border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px }
.brylrad--3 { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px }
.brtrrad--4 { border-top-right-radius: 8px }
.brtlrad--4 { border-top-left-radius: 8px }
.brbrrad--4 { border-bottom-right-radius: 8px }
.brblrad--4 { border-bottom-left-radius: 8px }
.bryrrad--4 { border-top-right-radius: 8px; border-bottom-right-radius: 8px }
.brylrad--4 { border-top-left-radius: 8px; border-bottom-left-radius: 8px }
.brtrrad--5 { border-top-right-radius: 16px }
.brtlrad--5 { border-top-left-radius: 16px }
.brbrrad--5 { border-bottom-right-radius: 16px }
.brblrad--5 { border-bottom-left-radius: 16px }
.bryrrad--5 { border-top-right-radius: 16px; border-bottom-right-radius: 16px }
.brylrad--5 { border-top-left-radius: 16px; border-bottom-left-radius: 16px }
.brtrrad--6 { border-top-right-radius: 32px }
.brtlrad--6 { border-top-left-radius: 32px }
.brbrrad--6 { border-bottom-right-radius: 32px }
.brblrad--6 { border-bottom-left-radius: 32px }
.bryrrad--6 { border-top-right-radius: 32px; border-bottom-right-radius: 32px }
.brylrad--6 { border-top-left-radius: 32px; border-bottom-left-radius: 32px }
.brtrrad--7 { border-top-right-radius: 64px }
.brtlrad--7 { border-top-left-radius: 64px }
.brbrrad--7 { border-bottom-right-radius: 64px }
.brblrad--7 { border-bottom-left-radius: 64px }
.bryrrad--7 { border-top-right-radius: 64px; border-bottom-right-radius: 64px }
.brylrad--7 { border-top-left-radius: 64px; border-bottom-left-radius: 64px }
.brtrrad--8 { border-top-right-radius: 128px }
.brtlrad--8 { border-top-left-radius: 128px }
.brbrrad--8 { border-bottom-right-radius: 128px }
.brblrad--8 { border-bottom-left-radius: 128px }
.bryrrad--8 { border-top-right-radius: 128px; border-bottom-right-radius: 128px }
.brylrad--8 { border-top-left-radius: 128px; border-bottom-left-radius: 128px }
# Base
brc = border-color (shorthand for the border-*-color properties)
brtc = border-top-color
brrc = border-right-color
brbc = border-bottom-color
brlc = border-left-color
brchvr = border-color:hover
brtchvr = border-top-color:hover
brrchvr = border-right-color:hover
brbchvr = border-bottom-color:hover
brlchvr = border-left-color:hover
# Modifiers
--gy1 = #fafafa (grey)
--gy2 = #ededed (grey)
--gy3 = #dddddd (grey)
--gy4 = #b1b1b1 (grey)
--gy5 = #878787 (grey)
--gy6 = #6a6a6a (grey)
--gy7 = #4d4d4d (grey)
--gy8 = #303030 (grey)
--rd1 = #c6262e (red)
--gn1 = #68b723 (green)
--bl1 = #3689e6 (blue)
--yl1 = #f9c440 (yellow)
--bk1 = #000000 (black)
--wh1 = #ffffff (white)
--tp = transparent
.brc--gy1 { border-color: #fafafa }
.brc--gy2 { border-color: #ededed }
.brc--gy3 { border-color: #dddddd }
.brc--gy4 { border-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brc--gy5 { border-color: #878787 }
.brc--gy6 { border-color: #6a6a6a }
.brc--gy7 { border-color: #4d4d4d }
.brc--gy8 { border-color: #303030 }
.brc--rd1 { border-color: #c6262e }
.brc--gn1 { border-color: #68b723 }
.brc--bl1 { border-color: #3689e6 }
.brc--yl1 { border-color: #f9c440 }
.brc--bk1 { border-color: #000000 }
.brc--wh1 { border-color: #ffffff }
.brc--tp { border-color: transparent }
.brtc--gy1 { border-top-color: #fafafa }
.brtc--gy2 { border-top-color: #ededed }
.brtc--gy3 { border-top-color: #dddddd }
.brtc--gy4 { border-top-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brtc--gy5 { border-top-color: #878787 }
.brtc--gy6 { border-top-color: #6a6a6a }
.brtc--gy7 { border-top-color: #4d4d4d }
.brtc--gy8 { border-top-color: #303030 }
.brtc--rd1 { border-top-color: #c6262e }
.brtc--gn1 { border-top-color: #68b723 }
.brtc--bl1 { border-top-color: #3689e6 }
.brtc--yl1 { border-top-color: #f9c440 }
.brtc--bk1 { border-top-color: #000000 }
.brtc--wh1 { border-top-color: #ffffff }
.brtc--tp { border-top-color: transparent }
.brrc--gy1 { border-right-color: #fafafa }
.brrc--gy2 { border-right-color: #ededed }
.brrc--gy3 { border-right-color: #dddddd }
.brrc--gy4 { border-right-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brrc--gy5 { border-right-color: #878787 }
.brrc--gy6 { border-right-color: #6a6a6a }
.brrc--gy7 { border-right-color: #4d4d4d }
.brrc--gy8 { border-right-color: #303030 }
.brrc--rd1 { border-right-color: #c6262e }
.brrc--gn1 { border-right-color: #68b723 }
.brrc--bl1 { border-right-color: #3689e6 }
.brrc--yl1 { border-right-color: #f9c440 }
.brrc--bk1 { border-right-color: #000000 }
.brrc--wh1 { border-right-color: #ffffff }
.brrc--tp { border-right-color: transparent }
.brbc--gy1 { border-bottom-color: #fafafa }
.brbc--gy2 { border-bottom-color: #ededed }
.brbc--gy3 { border-bottom-color: #dddddd }
.brbc--gy4 { border-bottom-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brbc--gy5 { border-bottom-color: #878787 }
.brbc--gy6 { border-bottom-color: #6a6a6a }
.brbc--gy7 { border-bottom-color: #4d4d4d }
.brbc--gy8 { border-bottom-color: #303030 }
.brbc--rd1 { border-bottom-color: #c6262e }
.brbc--gn1 { border-bottom-color: #68b723 }
.brbc--bl1 { border-bottom-color: #3689e6 }
.brbc--yl1 { border-bottom-color: #f9c440 }
.brbc--bk1 { border-bottom-color: #000000 }
.brbc--wh1 { border-bottom-color: #ffffff }
.brbc--tp { border-bottom-color: transparent }
.brlc--gy1 { border-left-color: #fafafa }
.brlc--gy2 { border-left-color: #ededed }
.brlc--gy3 { border-left-color: #dddddd }
.brlc--gy4 { border-left-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brlc--gy5 { border-left-color: #878787 }
.brlc--gy6 { border-left-color: #6a6a6a }
.brlc--gy7 { border-left-color: #4d4d4d }
.brlc--gy8 { border-left-color: #303030 }
.brlc--rd1 { border-left-color: #c6262e }
.brlc--gn1 { border-left-color: #68b723 }
.brlc--bl1 { border-left-color: #3689e6 }
.brlc--yl1 { border-left-color: #f9c440 }
.brlc--bk1 { border-left-color: #000000 }
.brlc--wh1 { border-left-color: #ffffff }
.brlc--tp { border-left-color: transparent }
.brchvr--gy1:hover { border-color: #fafafa }
.brchvr--gy2:hover { border-color: #ededed }
.brchvr--gy3:hover { border-color: #dddddd }
.brchvr--gy4:hover { border-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brchvr--gy5:hover { border-color: #878787 }
.brchvr--gy6:hover { border-color: #6a6a6a }
.brchvr--gy7:hover { border-color: #4d4d4d }
.brchvr--gy8:hover { border-color: #303030 }
.brchvr--rd1:hover { border-color: #c6262e }
.brchvr--gn1:hover { border-color: #68b723 }
.brchvr--bl1:hover { border-color: #3689e6 }
.brchvr--yl1:hover { border-color: #f9c440 }
.brchvr--bk1:hover { border-color: #000000 }
.brchvr--wh1:hover { border-color: #ffffff }
.brchvr--tp:hover { border-color: transparent }
.brtchvr--gy1:hover { border-top-color: #fafafa }
.brtchvr--gy2:hover { border-top-color: #ededed }
.brtchvr--gy3:hover { border-top-color: #dddddd }
.brtchvr--gy4:hover { border-top-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brtchvr--gy5:hover { border-top-color: #878787 }
.brtchvr--gy6:hover { border-top-color: #6a6a6a }
.brtchvr--gy7:hover { border-top-color: #4d4d4d }
.brtchvr--gy8:hover { border-top-color: #303030 }
.brtchvr--rd1:hover { border-top-color: #c6262e }
.brtchvr--gn1:hover { border-top-color: #68b723 }
.brtchvr--bl1:hover { border-top-color: #3689e6 }
.brtchvr--yl1:hover { border-top-color: #f9c440 }
.brtchvr--bk1:hover { border-top-color: #000000 }
.brtchvr--wh1:hover { border-top-color: #ffffff }
.brtchvr--tp:hover{ border-top-color: transparent }
.brrchvr--gy1:hover { border-right-color: #fafafa }
.brrchvr--gy2:hover { border-right-color: #ededed }
.brrchvr--gy3:hover { border-right-color: #dddddd }
.brrchvr--gy4:hover { border-right-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brrchvr--gy5:hover { border-right-color: #878787 }
.brrchvr--gy6:hover { border-right-color: #6a6a6a }
.brrchvr--gy7:hover { border-right-color: #4d4d4d }
.brrchvr--gy8:hover { border-right-color: #303030 }
.brrchvr--rd1:hover { border-right-color: #c6262e }
.brrchvr--gn1:hover { border-right-color: #68b723 }
.brrchvr--bl1:hover { border-right-color: #3689e6 }
.brrchvr--yl1:hover { border-right-color: #f9c440 }
.brrchvr--bk1:hover { border-right-color: #000000 }
.brrchvr--wh1:hover { border-right-color: #ffffff }
.brrchvr--tp:hover { border-right-color: transparent }
.brbchvr--gy1:hover { border-bottom-color: #fafafa }
.brbchvr--gy2:hover { border-bottom-color: #ededed }
.brbchvr--gy3:hover { border-bottom-color: #dddddd }
.brbchvr--gy4:hover { border-bottom-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brbchvr--gy5:hover { border-bottom-color: #878787 }
.brbchvr--gy6:hover { border-bottom-color: #6a6a6a }
.brbchvr--gy7:hover { border-bottom-color: #4d4d4d }
.brbchvr--gy8:hover { border-bottom-color: #303030 }
.brbchvr--rd1:hover { border-bottom-color: #c6262e }
.brbchvr--gn1:hover { border-bottom-color: #68b723 }
.brbchvr--bl1:hover { border-bottom-color: #3689e6 }
.brbchvr--yl1:hover { border-bottom-color: #f9c440 }
.brbchvr--bk1:hover { border-bottom-color: #000000 }
.brbchvr--wh1:hover { border-bottom-color: #ffffff }
.brbchvr--tp:hover { border-bottom-color: transparent }
.brlchvr--gy1:hover { border-left-color: #fafafa }
.brlchvr--gy2:hover { border-left-color: #ededed }
.brlchvr--gy3:hover { border-left-color: #dddddd }
.brlchvr--gy4:hover { border-left-color: #b1b1b1 }
.brlchvr--gy5:hover { border-left-color: #878787 }
.brlchvr--gy6:hover { border-left-color: #6a6a6a }
.brlchvr--gy7:hover { border-left-color: #4d4d4d }
.brlchvr--gy8:hover { border-left-color: #303030 }
.brlchvr--rd1:hover { border-left-color: #c6262e }
.brlchvr--gn1:hover { border-left-color: #68b723 }
.brlchvr--bl1:hover { border-left-color: #3689e6 }
.brlchvr--yl1:hover { border-left-color: #f9c440 }
.brlchvr--bk1:hover { border-left-color: #000000 }
.brlchvr--wh1:hover { border-left-color: #ffffff }
.brlchvr--tp:hover { border-left-color: transparent }
# Base
bxsw = box-shadow
# Modifiers
--0 = none
--1 = offset all 0 1px 2px
--2 = offset all 0 4px 8px
--3 = offset all 0 8px 16px
--4 = offset all 0 16px 32px
--t1 = offset top 0 -4px 4px -4px
--t2 = offset top 0 -8px 8px -8px
--t3 = offset top 0 -16px 16px -16px
--t4 = offset top 0 -32px 32px -32px
--r1 = offset right 4px 0 4px -4px
--r2 = offset right 8px 0 8px -8px
--r3 = offset right 16px 0 16px -16px
--r4 = offset right 32px 0 32px -32px
--b1 = offset bottom 0 4px 4px -4px
--b2 = offset bottom 0 8px 8px -8px
--b3 = offset bottom 0 16px 16px -16px
--b4 = offset bottom 0 32px 32px -32px
--l1 = offset left -4px 0 4px -4px
--l2 = offset left -8px 0 8px -8px
--l3 = offset left -16px 0 16px -16px
--l4 = offset left -32px 0 32px -32px
.bxsw--0 { box-shadow: none }
.bxsw--1 { box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--2 { box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--3 { box-shadow: 0 8px 16px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--4 { box-shadow: 0 16px 32px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--t1 { box-shadow: 0 -4px 4px -4px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--t2 { box-shadow: 0 -8px 8px -8px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--t3 { box-shadow: 0 -16px 16px -16px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--t4 { box-shadow: 0 -32px 32px -32px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--r1 { box-shadow: 4px 0 4px -4px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--r2 { box-shadow: 8px 0 8px -8px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--r3 { box-shadow: 16px 0 16px -16px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--r4 { box-shadow: 32px 0 32px -32px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--b1 { box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -4px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--b2 { box-shadow: 0 8px 8px -8px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--b3 { box-shadow: 0 16px 16px -16px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--b4 { box-shadow: 0 32px 32px -32px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--l1 { box-shadow: -4px 0 4px -4px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--l2 { box-shadow: -8px 0 8px -8px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--l3 { box-shadow: -16px 0 16px -16px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
.bxsw--l4 { box-shadow: -32px 0 32px -32px rgba( 0, 0, 0, .4 ) }
# Base
bgc = background-color
bgchvr = background-color:hover
# Modifiers
--gy1 = #fafafa (grey)
--gy2 = #ededed (grey)
--gy3 = #dddddd (grey)
--gy4 = #b1b1b1 (grey)
--gy5 = #878787 (grey)
--gy6 = #6a6a6a (grey)
--gy7 = #4d4d4d (grey)
--gy8 = #303030 (grey)
--rd1 = #c6262e (red)
--gn1 = #68b723 (green)
--bl1 = #3689e6 (blue)
--yl1 = #f9c440 (yellow))
--bk1 = #000000 (black)
--wh1 = #ffffff (white)
--tp = transparent
.bgc--gy1 { background-color: #fafafa }
.bgc--gy2 { background-color: #ededed }
.bgc--gy3 { background-color: #dddddd }
.bgc--gy4 { background-color: #b1b1b1 }
.bgc--gy5 { background-color: #878787 }
.bgc--gy6 { background-color: #6a6a6a }
.bgc--gy7 { background-color: #4d4d4d }
.bgc--gy8 { background-color: #303030 }
.bgc--rd1 { background-color: #c6262e }
.bgc--gn1 { background-color: #68b723 }
.bgc--bl1 { background-color: #3689e6 }
.bgc--yl1 { background-color: #f9c440 }
.bgc--bk1 { background-color: #000000 }
.bgc--wh1 { background-color: #ffffff }
.bgc--tp { background-color: transparent }
.bgchvr--gy1:hover { background-color: #fafafa }
.bgchvr--gy2:hover { background-color: #ededed }
.bgchvr--gy3:hover { background-color: #dddddd }
.bgchvr--gy4:hover { background-color: #b1b1b1 }
.bgchvr--gy5:hover { background-color: #878787 }
.bgchvr--gy6:hover { background-color: #6a6a6a }
.bgchvr--gy7:hover { background-color: #4d4d4d }
.bgchvr--gy8:hover { background-color: #303030 }
.bgchvr--rd1:hover { background-color: #c6262e }
.bgchvr--gn1:hover { background-color: #68b723 }
.bgchvr--bl1:hover { background-color: #3689e6 }
.bgchvr--yl1:hover { background-color: #f9c440 }
.bgchvr--bk1:hover { background-color: #000000 }
.bgchvr--wh1:hover { background-color: #ffffff }
.bgchvr--tp:hover { background-color: transparent }
# Base
bgpos = background-position
# Modifiers
--t = top
--r = right
--b = bottom
--l = left
--ctr = center
.bgpos--t { background-position: top center }
.bgpos--r { background-position: center right }
.bgpos--b { background-position: bottom center }
.bgpos--l { background-position: center left }
.bgpos--ctr { background-position: center center }
# Base
bgrt = background-repeat
# Modifiers
--n = no-repeat
--y = repeat-y
--x = repeat-x
.bgrt--n { background-repeat: no-repeat }
.bgrt--x { background-repeat: repeat-x }
.bgrt--y { background-repeat: repeat-y }
# Base
bgs = background-size
# Modifiers
--cn = contain
--cr = cover
.bgs--cn { background-size: contain }
.bgs--cr { background-size: cover }
# Base
cur = cursor
# Modifiers
--def = default
--ptr = pointer
--n = not-allowed
--i = inherit
.cur--def { cursor: default }
.cur--ptr { cursor: pointer }
.cur--n { cursor: not-allowed }
.cur--i { cursor: inherit }
# Base
p = padding (shorthand for all the padding-* properties)
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.p--0 { padding: 0 }
.p--1 { padding: 1px }
.p--2 { padding: 2px }
.p--3 { padding: 4px }
.p--4 { padding: 8px }
.p--5 { padding: 16px }
.p--6 { padding: 32px }
.p--7 { padding: 64px }
.p--8 { padding: 128px }
# Base
pt = padding-top
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.pt--0 { padding-top: 0 }
.pt--1 { padding-top: 1px }
.pt--2 { padding-top: 2px }
.pt--3 { padding-top: 4px }
.pt--4 { padding-top: 8px }
.pt--5 { padding-top: 16px }
.pt--6 { padding-top: 32px }
.pt--7 { padding-top: 64px }
.pt--8 { padding-top: 128px }
# Base
pr = padding-right
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.pr--0 { padding-right: 0 }
.pr--1 { padding-right: 1px }
.pr--2 { padding-right: 2px }
.pr--3 { padding-right: 4px }
.pr--4 { padding-right: 8px }
.pr--5 { padding-right: 16px }
.pr--6 { padding-right: 32px }
.pr--7 { padding-right: 64px }
.pr--8 { padding-right: 128px }
# Base
pb = padding-bottom
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.pb--0 { padding-bottom: 0 }
.pb--1 { padding-bottom: 1px }
.pb--2 { padding-bottom: 2px }
.pb--3 { padding-bottom: 4px }
.pb--4 { padding-bottom: 8px }
.pb--5 { padding-bottom: 16px }
.pb--6 { padding-bottom: 32px }
.pb--7 { padding-bottom: 64px }
.pb--8 { padding-bottom: 128px }
# Base
pl = padding-left
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.pl--0 { padding-left: 0 }
.pl--1 { padding-left: 1px }
.pl--2 { padding-left: 2px }
.pl--3 { padding-left: 4px }
.pl--4 { padding-left: 8px }
.pl--5 { padding-left: 16px }
.pl--6 { padding-left: 32px }
.pl--7 { padding-left: 64px }
.pl--8 { padding-left: 128px }
# Base
py = padding-top; padding-bottom
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.py--0 { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0 }
.py--1 { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px }
.py--2 { padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px }
.py--3 { padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px }
.py--4 { padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px }
.py--5 { padding-top: 16px; padding-bottom: 16px }
.py--6 { padding-top: 32px; padding-bottom: 32px }
.py--7 { padding-top: 64px; padding-bottom: 64px }
.py--8 { padding-top: 128px; padding-bottom: 128px }
# Base
px = padding-right; padding-left
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.px--0 { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0 }
.px--1 { padding-right: 1px; padding-left: 1px }
.px--2 { padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px }
.px--3 { padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px }
.px--4 { padding-right: 8px; padding-left: 8px }
.px--5 { padding-right: 16px; padding-left: 16px }
.px--6 { padding-right: 32px; padding-left: 32px }
.px--7 { padding-right: 64px; padding-left: 64px }
.px--8 { padding-right: 128px; padding-left: 128px }
# Base
w = width
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--10p = 10%
--20p = 20%
--25p = 25%
--30p = 30%
--33p = 33.33333%
--40p = 40%
--50p = 50%
--60p = 60%
--66p = 66.66667%
--70p = 70%
--75p = 75%
--80p = 80%
--90p = 90%
--100p = 100%
--a = auto
--i = inherit
.w--1 { width: 1px }
.w--2 { width: 8px }
.w--3 { width: 16px }
.w--4 { width: 32px }
.w--5 { width: 64px }
.w--6 { width: 128px }
.w--7 { width: 256px }
.w--8 { width: 512px }
.w--10p { width: 10% }
.w--20p { width: 20% }
.w--25p { width: 25% }
.w--30p { width: 30% }
.w--33p { width: 33.33333% }
.w--40p { width: 40% }
.w--50p { width: 50% }
.w--60p { width: 60% }
.w--66p { width: 66.66667% }
.w--70p { width: 70% }
.w--75p { width: 75% }
.w--80p { width: 80% }
.w--90p { width: 90% }
.w--100p { width: 100% }
.w--a { width: auto }
.w--i { width: inherit }
# Base
miw = min-width
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--10p = 10%
--20p = 20%
--25p = 25%
--30p = 30%
--33p = 33.33333%
--40p = 40%
--50p = 50%
--60p = 60%
--66p = 66.66667%
--70p = 70%
--75p = 75%
--80p = 80%
--90p = 90%
--100p = 100%
--a = auto
--i = inherit
.miw--1 { min-width: 1px }
.miw--2 { min-width: 8px }
.miw--3 { min-width: 16px }
.miw--4 { min-width: 32px }
.miw--5 { min-width: 64px }
.miw--6 { min-width: 128px }
.miw--7 { min-width: 256px }
.miw--8 { min-width: 512px }
.miw--10p { min-width: 10% }
.miw--20p { min-width: 20% }
.miw--25p { min-width: 25% }
.miw--30p { min-width: 30% }
.miw--33p { min-width: 33.33333% }
.miw--40p { min-width: 40% }
.miw--50p { min-width: 50% }
.miw--60p { min-width: 60% }
.miw--66p { min-width: 66.66667% }
.miw--70p { min-width: 70% }
.miw--75p { min-width: 75% }
.miw--80p { min-width: 80% }
.miw--90p { min-width: 90% }
.miw--100p { min-width: 100% }
.miw--a { min-width: auto }
.miw--i { min-width: inherit }
# Base
maw = max-width
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--10p = 10%
--20p = 20%
--25p = 25%
--30p = 30%
--33p = 33.333333%
--40p = 40%
--50p = 50%
--60p = 60%
--66p = 66.666667%
--70p = 70%
--75p = 75%
--80p = 80%
--90p = 90%
--100p = 100%
--n = none
--i = inherit
.maw--1 { max-width: 1px }
.maw--2 { max-width: 8px }
.maw--3 { max-width: 16px }
.maw--4 { max-width: 32px }
.maw--5 { max-width: 64px }
.maw--6 { max-width: 128px }
.maw--7 { max-width: 256px }
.maw--8 { max-width: 512px }
.maw--10p { max-width: 10% }
.maw--20p { max-width: 20% }
.maw--25p { max-width: 25% }
.maw--30p { max-width: 30% }
.maw--33p { max-width: 33.33333% }
.maw--40p { max-width: 40% }
.maw--50p { max-width: 50% }
.maw--60p { max-width: 60% }
.maw--66p { max-width: 66.66667% }
.maw--70p { max-width: 70% }
.maw--75p { max-width: 75% }
.maw--80p { max-width: 80% }
.maw--90p { max-width: 90% }
.maw--100p { max-width: 100% }
.maw--n { max-width: none }
.maw--i { max-width: inherit }
# Base
h = height
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--25p = 25%
--50p = 50%
--75p = 75%
--100p = 100%
--25vh = a quarter of viewport height
--50vh = half of viewport height
--75vh = three-quarter of viewport height
--100vh = full viewport height
--a = auto
--i = inherit
.h--0 { height: 0 }
.h--1 { height: 1px }
.h--2 { height: 8px }
.h--3 { height: 16px }
.h--4 { height: 32px }
.h--5 { height: 64px }
.h--6 { height: 128px }
.h--7 { height: 256px }
.h--8 { height: 512px }
.h--25p { height: 25% }
.h--50p { height: 50% }
.h--75p { height: 75% }
.h--100p { height: 100% }
.h--25vh { height: 25vh }
.h--50vh { height: 50vh }
.h--75vh { height: 75vh }
.h--100vh { height: 100vh }
.h--a { height: auto }
.h--i { height: inherit }
# Base
mih = min-height
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--25p = 25%
--50p = 50%
--75p = 75%
--100p = 100%
--25vh = a quarter of viewport height
--50vh = half of viewport height
--75vh = three-quarter of viewport height
--100vh = full viewport height
--a = auto
--i = inherit
.mih--0 { min-height: 0 }
.mih--1 { min-height: 1px }
.mih--2 { min-height: 8px }
.mih--3 { min-height: 16px }
.mih--4 { min-height: 32px }
.mih--5 { min-height: 64px }
.mih--6 { min-height: 128px }
.mih--7 { min-height: 256px }
.mih--8 { min-height: 512px }
.mih--25p { min-height: 25% }
.mih--50p { min-height: 50% }
.mih--75p { min-height: 75% }
.mih--100p { min-height: 100% }
.mih--25vh { min-height: 25vh }
.mih--50vh { min-height: 50vh }
.mih--75vh { min-height: 75vh }
.mih--100vh { min-height: 100vh }
.mih--a { min-height: auto }
.mih--i { min-height: inherit }
# Base
mah = max-height
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 8px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 32px
--5 = 64px
--6 = 128px
--7 = 256px
--8 = 512px
--25p = 25%
--50p = 50%
--75p = 75%
--100p = 100%
--25vh = a quarter of viewport height
--50vh = half of viewport height
--75vh = three-quarter of viewport height
--100vh = full viewport height
--n = none
--i = inherit
.mah--1 { max-height: 1px }
.mah--2 { max-height: 8px }
.mah--3 { max-height: 16px }
.mah--4 { max-height: 32px }
.mah--5 { max-height: 64px }
.mah--6 { max-height: 128px }
.mah--7 { max-height: 256px }
.mah--8 { max-height: 512px }
.mah--25p { max-height: 25% }
.mah--50p { max-height: 50% }
.mah--75p { max-height: 75% }
.mah--100p { max-height: 100% }
.mah--25vh { max-height: 25vh }
.mah--50vh { max-height: 50vh }
.mah--75vh { max-height: 75vh }
.mah--100vh { max-height: 100vh }
.mah--n { max-height: none }
.mah--i { max-height: inherit }
# Base
of = overflow
ofx = overflow-x
ofy = overflow-y
# Modifiers
--a = auto
--hid = hidden
--sl = scrolll
--v = visible
# Note
You can use 'of--a' as a clearfix.
.of--a { overflow: auto }
.of--hid { overflow: hidden }
.of--sl { overflow: scroll }
.of--v { overflow: visible }
.ofx--a { overflow-x: auto }
.ofx--hid { overflow-x: hidden }
.ofx--sl { overflow-x: scroll }
.ofx--v { overflow-x: visible }
.ofy--a { overflow-y: auto }
.ofy--hid { overflow-y: hidden }
.ofy--sl { overflow-y: scroll }
.ofy--v { overflow-y: visible }
# Base
re = resize
# Modifiers
--bh = both
--n = none
--x = horizontal
--y = vertical
.re--bh { resize: both }
.re--n { resize: none }
.re--x { resize: horizontal }
.re--y { resize: vertical }
# Base
lsst = list-style
# Modifiers
--ins = inside
--n = none
--sq = square
--i = inherit
.lsst--ins { list-style: inside }
.lsst--n { list-style: none }
.lsst--sq { list-style: square }
.lsst--i { list-style: inherit }
# Base
tbllt = table-layout
# Modifiers
--a = auto
--fix = fixed
.tbllt--a { table-layout: auto }
.tbllt--fix { table-layout: fixed }
# Base
brcoll = border-collapse
# Modifiers
--coll = collapse
--sep = separate
--i = inherit
.brcoll--coll { border-collapse: collapse }
.brcoll--sep { border-collapse: separate }
.brcoll--i { border-collapse: inherit }
# Base
brsp = border-spacing
# Modifiers
--0 = 0
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--i = inherit
.brsp--0 { border-spacing: 0 }
.brsp--1 { border-spacing: 1px }
.brsp--2 { border-spacing: 2px }
.brsp--3 { border-spacing: 4px }
.brsp--4 { border-spacing: 8px }
.brsp--5 { border-spacing: 16px }
.brsp--6 { border-spacing: 32px }
.brsp--7 { border-spacing: 64px }
.brsp--8 { border-spacing: 128px }
.brsp--i { border-spacing: inherit }
# Base
vlan = vertical-align
# Modifiers
--t = top
--b = bottom
--bln = baseline
--mid = middle
.vlan--t { vertical-align: top }
.vlan--b { vertical-align: bottom }
.vlan--bln { vertical-align: baseline }
.vlan--mid { vertical-align: middle }
# Base
dn = direction
# Modifiers
--ltr = ltr (left to right)
--rtl = rtl (right to left)
--i = inherit
.dn--ltr { direction: ltr }
.dn--rtl { direction: rtl }
.dn--i { direction: inherit }
# Base
txtan = text-align
# Modifiers
--r = right
--l = left
--ctr = center
--j = justify
--i = inherit
.txtan--r { text-align: right }
.txtan--l { text-align: left }
.txtan--ctr { text-align: center }
.txtan--j { text-align: justify }
.txtan--i { text-align: inherit }
# Base
txtit = text-indent
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
.txtit--1 { text-indent: 1px }
.txtit--2 { text-indent: 2px }
.txtit--3 { text-indent: 4px }
.txtit--4 { text-indent: 8px }
.txtit--5 { text-indent: 16px }
.txtit--6 { text-indent: 32px }
.txtit--7 { text-indent: 64px }
.txtit--8 { text-indent: 128px }
# Base
txttm = text-transform
# Modifiers
--cap = capitalize
--lc = lowercase
--n = none
--uc = uppercase
--i = inherit
.txttm--cap { text-transform: capitalize }
.txttm--lc { text-transform: lowercase }
.txttm--n { text-transform: none }
.txttm--uc { text-transform: uppercase }
.txttm--i { text-transform: inherit }
# Base
txtdec = text-decoration
txtdechvr = text-decoration:hover
# Modifiers
--n = none
--u = underline
.txtdec--n { text-decoration: none }
.txtdec--u { text-decoration: underline }
.txtdechvr--n:hover { text-decoration: none }
.txtdechvr--u:hover { text-decoration: underline }
# Base
lnh = line-height
# Modifiers
--1 = 15px | related to .fts--1 { font-size: 10px }
--2 = 19.5px | related to .fts--2 { font-size: 13px }
--3 = 24px | related to .fts--3 { font-size: 16px }
--4 = 30px | related to .fts--4 { font-size: 20px }
--5 = 37.5px | related to .fts--5 { font-size: 25px }
--6 = 46.5px | related to .fts--6 { font-size: 31px }
--7 = 58.5px | related to .fts--7 { font-size: 39px }
--8 = 73.5px | related to .fts--8 { font-size: 49px }
--nl = normal
--i = inherit
.lnh--1 { line-height: 15px }
.lnh--2 { line-height: 19.5px }
.lnh--3 { line-height: 24px }
.lnh--4 { line-height: 30px }
.lnh--5 { line-height: 37.5px }
.lnh--6 { line-height: 46.5px }
.lnh--7 { line-height: 58.5px }
.lnh--8 { line-height: 73.5px }
.lnh--nl { line-height: normal }
.lnh--i { line-height: inherit }
# Base
wdsp = word-spacing
# Modifiers
--1 = 1px
--2 = 2px
--3 = 4px
--4 = 8px
--5 = 16px
--6 = 32px
--7 = 64px
--8 = 128px
--i = inherit
--nl = normal
.wdsp--1 { word-spacing: 1px }
.wdsp--2 { word-spacing: 2px }
.wdsp--3 { word-spacing: 4px }
.wdsp--4 { word-spacing: 8px }
.wdsp--5 { word-spacing: 16px }
.wdsp--6 { word-spacing: 32px }
.wdsp--7 { word-spacing: 64px }
.wdsp--8 { word-spacing: 128px }
.wdsp--i { word-spacing: inherit }
.wdsp--nl { word-spacing: normal }
# Base
lrsp = letter-spacing
# Modifiers
--1 = .25px
--2 = .5px
--3 = .75px
--4 = 1px
--5 = 1.25px
--6 = 1.5px
--7 = 1.75px
--8 = 2px
--n1 = -.25px
--n2 = -.5px
--n3 = -.75px
--n4 = -1px
--n5 = -1.25px
--n6 = -1.5px
--n7 = -1.75px
--n8 = -2px
--i = inherit
--nl = normal
.lrsp--1 { letter-spacing: .25px }
.lrsp--2 { letter-spacing: .5px }
.lrsp--3 { letter-spacing: .75px }
.lrsp--4 { letter-spacing: 1px }
.lrsp--5 { letter-spacing: 1.25px }
.lrsp--6 { letter-spacing: 1.5px }
.lrsp--7 { letter-spacing: 1.75px }
.lrsp--8 { letter-spacing: 2px }
.lrsp--n1 { letter-spacing: -.25px }
.lrsp--n2 { letter-spacing: -.5px }
.lrsp--n3 { letter-spacing: -.75px }
.lrsp--n4 { letter-spacing: -1px }
.lrsp--n5 { letter-spacing: -1.25px }
.lrsp--n6 { letter-spacing: -1.5px }
.lrsp--n7 { letter-spacing: -1.75px }
.lrsp--n8 { letter-spacing: -2px }
.lrsp--i { letter-spacing: inherit }
.lrsp--nl { letter-spacing: normal }
# Base
whsp = white-space
# Modifiers
--nl = normal
--n = nowrap
--pre = pre
--prewp = pre-wrap
--i = inherit
.whsp--nl { white-space: normal }
.whsp--n { white-space: nowrap }
.whsp--pre { white-space: pre }
.whsp--prewp { white-space: pre-wrap }
.whsp--i { white-space: inherit }
# Base
wdbrk = word-break
# Modifiers
--nl = normal
--kpal = keep-all
--brkal = break-all
.wdbrk--nl { word-break: normal }
.wdbrk--kpal { word-break: keep-all }
.wdbrk--brkal { word-break: break-all }
# Base
wdwp = word-wrap
# Modifiers
--brkwd = break-wordd
--i = inherit
--nl = normal
.wdwp--brkwd { word-wrap: break-word }
.wdwp--i { word-wrap: inherit }
.wdwp--nl { word-wrap: normal }
# Base
c = color
chvr = color:hover
# Modifiers
--gy1 = #fafafa (grey)
--gy2 = #ededed (grey)
--gy3 = #dddddd (grey)
--gy4 = #b1b1b1 (grey)
--gy5 = #878787 (grey)
--gy6 = #6a6a6a (grey)
--gy7 = #4d4d4d (grey)
--gy8 = #303030 (grey)
--rd1 = #c6262e (red)
--gn1 = #68b723 (green)
--bl1 = #3689e6 (blue)
--yl1 = #f9c440 (yellow)
--bk1 = #000000 (black)
--wh1 = #ffffff (white)
--tp = transparent
--i = inherit
.c--gy1 { color: #fafafa }
.c--gy2 { color: #ededed }
.c--gy3 { color: #dddddd }
.c--gy4 { color: #b1b1b1 }
.c--gy5 { color: #878787 }
.c--gy6 { color: #6a6a6a }
.c--gy7 { color: #4d4d4d }
.c--gy8 { color: #303030 }
.c--rd1 { color: #c6262e }
.c--gn1 { color: #68b723 }
.c--bl1 { color: #3689e6 }
.c--yl1 { color: #f9c440 }
.c--bk1 { color: #000000 }
.c--wh1 { color: #ffffff }
.c--tp { color: transparent }
.c--i { color: inherit }
.chvr--gy1:hover { color: #fafafa }
.chvr--gy2:hover { color: #ededed }
.chvr--gy3:hover { color: #dddddd }
.chvr--gy4:hover { color: #b1b1b1 }
.chvr--gy5:hover { color: #878787 }
.chvr--gy6:hover { color: #6a6a6a }
.chvr--gy7:hover { color: #4d4d4d }
.chvr--gy8:hover { color: #303030 }
.chvr--rd1:hover { color: #c6262e }
.chvr--gn1:hover { color: #68b723 }
.chvr--bl1:hover { color: #3689e6 }
.chvr--yl1:hover { color: #f9c440 }
.chvr--bk1:hover { color: #000000 }
.chvr--wh1:hover { color: #ffffff }
.chvr--tp:hover { color: transparent }
.chvr--i:hover { color: inherit }
# Base
ftfam = font-family
# Modifiers
--sssrf = sans-serif
--mosp = monospace
--i = inherit
# Note
Are you sure about changing the typeface using media queries?
.ftfam--sssrf { font-family: BlinkMacSystemFont,-apple-system,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif }
.ftfam--mosp { font-family: "SFMono-Regular",Menlo,Consolas,"Lucida Console","Liberation Mono","Courier New",monospace }
.ftfam--i { font-family: inherit }
# Base
fts = font-size
# Modifiers
--1 = 10px
--2 = 13px
--3 = 16px
--4 = 20px
--5 = 25px
--6 = 31px
--7 = 39px
--8 = 49px
--i = inherit
# Note
Based on
.fts--1 { font-size: 13px }
.fts--2 { font-size: 16px }
.fts--3 { font-size: 20px }
.fts--4 { font-size: 25px }
.fts--5 { font-size: 31px }
.fts--6 { font-size: 39px }
.fts--7 { font-size: 49px }
.fts--8 { font-size: 61px }
fts--i { font-size: inherit }
# Base
ftwt = font-weight
# Modifiers
--1 = 100
--2 = 200
--3 = 300
--4 = 400 (normal)
--5 = 500
--6 = 600
--7 = 700 (bold)
--8 = 800
--i = inherit
.ftwt--1 { font-weight: 100 }
.ftwt--2 { font-weight: 200 }
.ftwt--3 { font-weight: 300 }
.ftwt--4 { font-weight: 400 }
.ftwt--5 { font-weight: 500 }
.ftwt--6 { font-weight: 600 }
.ftwt--7 { font-weight: 700 }
.ftwt--8 { font-weight: 800 }
.ftwt--i { font-weight: inherit }
# Base
ftst = font-style
# Modifiers
--ic = italic
--nl = normal
--i = inherit
.ftst--ic { font-style: italic }
.ftst--nl { font-style: normal }
.ftst--i { font-style: inherit }
# Base
ptres = pointer-events
# Modifiers
--a = auto
--n = none
.ptres--a { pointer-events: auto }
.ptres--n { pointer-events: none }
The CSS selector syntax is made of two or three parts: base--modifier-media
. The last part - media
- is optional, since it controls the media query extension. The naming convention used by Brevis for its base and modifier is short, simple and logical. It follows just two rules.
If the CSS property name is made of one word, Brevis uses its first letter. Like display
becomes d
. If the first letter is taken, Brevis uses the first and last letter of the word, or the first few letters of it. Like flex
becomes fx
and position
becomes pos
If the first and last letters are taken, Brevis adds one or more letters from the middle of the word. Like break
becomes brk
If the CSS property name is made of two or more words, Brevis uses the existing abbreviation from each word and join them. Like margin-top
becomes mt
. If there's no abbreviation or it's missing for a word, Brevis applies rules #1 and join them. Like flex-basis
becomes fxbs
Exceptions exist when there's a well known/better abbreviation. Like:
absolute = abs
background = bg
center = ctr
clear = clr
z-index = z (the exception here is z-index being treated as one word)
A modifier is the value of a property, and it's identified by double hyphens --
followed by the abbreviation. For example:
.txtdec--n = { text-decoration: none }
The above property has the modifier --n
with a respectively value of none
The modifiers follow the same naming convention stated for the base, with two additions.
A modifier can have the same abbreviation as the base, as long as the meaning of the abbreviation is the same or very similar. For example --t
, --fx
and --v
are respectively top
, flex
and visibility|visible
for both base and modifier.
A modifier can group values within similar context or meaning. For example, the modifier --n
represents no
, none
, nowrap
or no-repeat
as value.
Most properties with numerical values have modifiers scaling from 1 to 8. For example:
.h--0 { height: 0 }
.h--1 { height: 1px }
.h--2 { height: 8px }
.h--3 { height: 16px }
.h--4 { height: 32px }
.h--5 { height: 64px }
.h--6 { height: 128px }
.h--7 { height: 256px }
.h--8 { height: 512px }
The 0
is not part of any scale, but it's presented when appropriate.
You can create responsive websites using the media queries extension. The media extension is identified by a single hyphen -
, followed by s
, m
or l
. Respectively targeting small, medium or large devices. The extensions are available for all classes. And that's why we call selector-first design, where each selector is responsive. This approach allows you to have a very granular responsive control. The breakpoints are:
-l = @media (max-width: 1280px)
-m = @media (max-width: 840px)
-s = @media (max-width: 400px)
For exmaple .maw--6-l
, .w--50p-m
and .brrad--0-s
are translated into:
@media (max-width: 1280px) {
.maw--6-l { max-width: 256px }
@media (max-width: 840px) {
.w--50p-m { width: 50% }
@media (max-width: 400px) {
.brrad--0-s { border-radius: 0 }
The media queries don't follow the naming convention above, because there are only three extensions -s
, -m
and -l
, which are universally recognised as a representation of the breakpoints. So, we stick with them.
If you want to learn more about it, take a look at brevis.css source file and see how the naming convention comes to live.
Brevis uses three 8pt scales for properties with numerical values:
Is used by top, right, bottom, left, margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left, padding, padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom and padding-left.
Is used by z-index, border-spacing, border-width, border-radius, text-indent and word-spacing.
Is used by flex-basis, width, min-width, max-width, height, min-height and max-height.
Order, opacity, z-index, line-height, letter-spacing, font-size and font-weight properties use their own custom scale.
Note that some the scales can have negative values when the numerical modifier is preceded by --n
. For example:
.mt--n2 { margin-top: -16px }
Colour is a very opinionated subject, and because of that, Brevis has a minimal palette. The current palettes are for grey and contextual colours.
Grey Scale | Contextual Colours |
#fafafa |
#c8102e |
#ededed |
#006eb6 |
#dddddd |
#009f4d |
#b1b1b1 |
#ffc428 |
#878787 |
#000000 |
#6a6a6a |
#ffffff |
#4d4d4d |
#303030 |
The colours also follow the naming convention. However, the contextual colours have a plus. Note that their names end with the number one. So that, any additional colour can use the naming convention. Example, if you want to extend the red colour, you start creating rd2
, rd3
and so on.